

过去,我们已经看到了员工行为的转变 14 几个月,许多企业发现他们公司的文化存在差距,人们迷失了方向. We all know that it is crucial to have good staff behind us, 但是在瞬息万变的新业务时代,我们如何实现这一目标? Some employees may be returning to the workplace following a prolonged period of working from home or being furloughed. People are coming back to a whole new working environment, often with different ways of working. Many workplaces have adopted a new hybrid working practice, 提供基于办公室/站点和在家工作的组合, which itself can be a challenge to navigate and implement for both staff and employers requiring a whole new level of flexibility on all fronts. Fear is still a big factor for some. Many still face personal health challenges, 也许他们一直都在屏蔽, 尚未进行Covid-19疫苗接种, 或长期处于相对孤立的状态下,对于增加社交互动感到非常焦虑.


The Psychological effects cannot be underestimated. These could see a change in performance, 职业道德和个人福祉.

我们都需要, and have tried to establish new ways of working within our businesses to help get the most out of our team. We must not forgot those, 包括我们自己, 在过去的一年里一直坚持下去的人.

通过 | 2021-05-20T10:38:02+00:00 5月19日, 2021|代管, 服务|0 注释
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