

全球大流行使许多公司缩减了劳动力以应对面临的财务和运营压力. 许多企业主不得不让员工休假, 有些人甚至不得不裁员. Many have had to play the role of many, 从导演到接待员, 提醒自己最基本和最平凡的任务, 我们喜欢吗? 它是否让我们欣赏、评估和重新思考?


As we emerge from this latest lockdown, it is important we take stock and look at where we have been, where we are today and where we are going. Many of our ways of work and the direction of our businesses have changed, 最近经常不止一次, 每次适应新的节奏和商业环境.


您的业​​务是否多元化或“转向”? Some businesses have found that to survive they have had to implement new strategy or take a change in direction. Perhaps your customer has changed or maybe the constant change in pace of your market space has meant you have had to change and evolve as 2020 玩完了? On the same note, 您在市场空间中的位置是否发生了变化? 戴着口罩的商务男士

一些企业发现自己在整个大流行期间停滞不前, 无法成长且无法调整其商业模式以求生存, let alone thrive. After so many months, 经过一段时间的干旱后,我们可以做些什么来打开水龙头?

用 2021 看到 Covid-19 疫苗接种计划的开始推出, 这对恢复市场信心和重新启动商业格局产生了积极影响,但这是否会转化为启动, 具体重新开始, our study and travel industry? Do you want to take advantage of this new landscape and the many opportunities that lie ahead? 你能继续保持一定程度的乐观吗, or have you lost your mojo and actually think you’ve had your day and are now ready for another challenge. 深思熟虑….

通过 | 2021-06-07T11:26:17+00:00 6 月 7 日, 2021|未分类|0 注释
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