Reflections on 2023 from Hosts International’s Operations Director Harsha Shivdasani Brown

Reflections on 2023 from Hosts International’s Operations Director Harsha Shivdasani Brown

“As 2023 comes to a close, it is a fitting moment to look back on the journey Hosts International and I have undertaken together. This year has been a significant milestone for us, marking our strongest year of business growth since the onset of the 2020 pandemic. I’d like to share some insights into our company ethos and the leadership qualities I’ve embraced, which I believe are testament to Host International’s continued success.

You’re not just a number

At the heart of our post-Covid revival has been a dedication to providing a personalised service. My leadership philosophy centres on the importance of recognising the individuality and unique needs of each client. This personalised approach has enabled us to tailor our services more effectively, thereby building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships with our clients.

Going the extra mile

Another cornerstone of our success has been the ethos of going above and beyond for our clients. Whether it’s in the small details of everyday operations or the larger strategic decisions, it’s this dedication to exceeding expectations ingrained in the business’ culture that sets us apart in a highly competitive market.

Consistency is key

In a world where change is constant, maintaining a consistent quality of service and reliability has earned us the trust and loyalty of our clients and partners. It’s a key value I advocate. Consistency is not only external, but also about our internal operations. I continually strive to drive our teams, emphasising the need for balance between professional commitment and personal wellbeing.


The alignment of these leadership qualities with the company’s vision has been a driving force behind Hosts International’s journey. Looking ahead to 2024, I have not only a sense of gratitude for our achievements to date, but plenty of optimism for what the future holds.”

By | 2024-04-10T15:47:31+00:00 April 10th, 2024|Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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