Learning the Language

Learning the Language

While the English language is spoken widely across the world, no one speaks the language quite like the Brits. Given the huge variation in regional accents and the use of strange idioms, native speakers are internationally renowned for their funny English dialects. While many travellers find the English accent endearing, for some, understanding the local tongue can be a real challenge.

Although taking English lessons before you arrive can help your understand of the basics, the nuances of the English language can only really be understood and appreciated after spending time in the country. While there is no questioning the benefit of actually visiting England to improve your language skills, what steps can you take once your here to make sure you learn as much as possible?

To highlight some of the best ways to develop your English ability, we have come up with these top three tips.

1) Embrace your surroundings

One of the major advantages of actually spending time here in England is that you will be completely surrounded in the language. Whether it concerns the road signs, the people in the street or the shows on the television; English will become part of your everyday life. While it may be a little unnerving at first, as you spend more and more time in England, you will no doubt find the language easier to pick up as you become more and more accustomed to being around English speakers.

2) Make friends with the locals

While you may be travelling with friends, meeting new people is always an important part of moving to a new place. To get the most out of your time in England, making friends with locals is great way to explore your new home. Furthermore, having native friends can be especially beneficial when trying to learn a new language as they can offer practical advice and support, helping you to improve your skills.

3) Don’t fear help is here…

Although English can be an extremely difficult language to learn, you should not feel afraid of asking for help if you get stuck. Whether you need help understanding something or just want to improve your general speaking skills, asking for help is probably one of the best ways to improve your grasp of the language.

Whether you plan on coming to the UK for a short break or perhaps a bit longer, by following these simple tips, you can ensure you get the most out of your trip. However, in order to gain a truly authentic experience of how the language is used on a day to day basis, nothing really compares to actually living with a local family.

Through staying with a native host family you will be able to enjoy English culture first hand. From local delicacies to local dialects, spending time with you hosts will expose you to all aspects of English life. While this will no doubt help you improve your English, living with locals will ensure you have a memorable stay.

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By | 2018-07-09T10:03:26+00:00 May 8th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments
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